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Unsolicited Testimonials:

“I have published two books with Clark Kenyon’s Camp Pope Bookshop and heartily endorse [Jonathan] Cooper-Wiele’s praise for Kenyon’s skill as an editor and publisher. He is an Iowa treasure, and this book is one more example why.” Kenneth Lyftogt, book review of Skim Milk Yankees Fighting

“I mean it, Clark you have been just super, and so patient with our constant little ‘change this and re-do that’ and the results are just terrific, more than I ever imagined. You have made it so easy for us and your advice has always been so helpful.” J. A. McCann, editor of Soldier Life—Many Must Fall


What's New?

Union Tales of the War, Part 1

Union "Tales of the War" Part One: 1861

By Michael Banasik

We continue our series taken from the pages of the Missouri Republican in the 1880s, the first part of Volume VIII of Unwitten Chapters of the Civil War West of the River. Read more.

The Longest Year

Iowa and the Civil War

Volume 3:
The Longest Year, 1864-1865

By Kenneth L. Lyftogt

Volume 3 of Iowa in the Civil War is finally here! more.

The 28th Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry

The Twenty-Eighth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry

By E. E. Blake

A new edition of this very scarce memoir of the 28th Iowa.... read more.